Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Is there any way to take the lyrics off of a song?

I want to take the lyrics off a song on my computer so that it's just the background music that you can hear. is there any way to do, and if there is could you tell me how to do it?

Is there any way to take the lyrics off of a song?
Usually the vocals are on the center channel, so if you get a program that can edit the audio file you can cut out the center channel, and it should be just the background music. It's alot of work tho.
Reply:It's called a vocal eliminator. Most karaoke machines incorporate this function. It works to a varying degree depending on how the music was recorded.

Reply:Simply use your question as a search subject and try doing an internet search and/or just search Yahoo answers. You might be surprised to find the answer that you've been looking for -at least in the meantime while you are waiting for the right answer (or perhaps just a confirmation to the answer you've found) here...

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