Sunday, May 23, 2010

Will memorizing song lyrics help improve memory?

i have an awful awful memory.

what are some other suggestions to help?

Will memorizing song lyrics help improve memory?
mentally challenging games, such as suduko, crossword puzzles, solitare, and chess all help with memory.

Take different routes to work, or change up a daily routine, because it keeps your brain out of the rut and makes it work.

Read, listen to music, basically do anything besides sit in front of the tv. Things that make you think are stimulating and good for the brain.

Eat healthy, exercise, take care of your body. This will lead to lower weight and blood pressure, which is good for everything including the brain.
Reply:yes. if you just believe.
Reply:Some suggestions

1.Never memorize, always write out and study!

2. chew gum, helps memorize!

3. read out ur lyrics , at night before you go to sleep, studies show you dont forget it.

4. try to sleep early, and dont stay awake at nights!

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