Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Can you write a paragraph or 2 or more that inludes these song lyrics?

1. He was a mountain of a man with a "Born to Kill" tattoo

2. I think he even did a little time in the "slammer."

3. Pulled off the road kicked it into 4 wheel.

4. I finally got her home at half past too late.

5. Hit the Honky Tonk for a little close dancin'.

6. But that crossed my mind a little too late!

Can you write a paragraph or 2 or more that inludes these song lyrics?
Opening scene: Berdoo, California; 1948

Long shot on roaring motocycles, leather jackets, voice-over:

"According to Vic Bettencourt, the first Hell's Angels motorcycle club was formed around 1948 in Berdoo, an offshoot from a renegade group called the Pissed Off Bastards out of Fontana, California. It was right after the Hollister incident. WWII vets from Berdoo -- who belonged to the Pissed Off Bastards -- used to roar by on their bikes. People would look up and say, "There goes one of those Hell's Angels."

Cut to:

Duncan Macleod, stepping out of his army-surplus JEEP and striding through a parking lot full of motorcycles. As he rounds the corner towards the entrance of the bar, the garish neon reflects off a brute of man, his massive hands wrapped around a small, struggling woman with frenzied eyes. 1. He was a mountain of a man with a "Born to Kill" tattoo.

Man, in gutteral croak: "C'mon, chickie, time fer us to 5. Hit the Honky Tonk for a little close dancin'." The girl wiggled futilely, whimpered, but was being slowly dragged closer to the bar door.

Duncan gave the situation little thought. He simply took one step forward, turned on his heel, whipped his other leg high in the air -- and caught the monster clean under the chin with his boot heel. With an audible "clunk", the man dropped like a sack of potatoes.

Girl: "Oh, man, you are SO in trouble now! That dude is the head of the Hell's Angels and 2. I think he even did a little time in the "slammer." ALL those guys are goin' to be after your butt in about 30 seconds flat, mister! RUN!"

Duncan let a slow smile light his face, as he calmly picked her up, slung her over his shoulder -- and marched her back to his JEEP. "Yeah, I thought that might be the case, 6. But that crossed my mind a little too late! Let's get you and me both out of here, now!"

He started the engine with a roar and tore out, but not before he noticed a stream of leather jackets pouring out of the bar door like angry bees from a hive. Soon, a dozen bikes were on his tail, and he quickly 3. Pulled off the road, kicked it into 4 wheel drive and gunned it.

It took a good bit of fancy driving, but he finally managed to dump each of the cycles into pits and gullies along the way. They may have been tough guys -- but they still needed to learn a few things about off-roading!

Duncan, meanwhile, realized that the girl beside him had somehow managed to fall asleep during all this! "Well," he thought , "Guess I'll just get her license out of that handbag of hers and drop her at her doorstep. No more fun for me, tonight. But at least 4. I finally got her home at half past too late."

Fuzz cut to: Duncan and Yahzmin, sitting on the rocks at the Mull of Kintyre, 1973, watching the birds flying over the water.

Yahzmin: "So, you see, that was me that you rescued. You didn't recognize me then, of course. Nor any of the many other times we've "bumped" into each other over the centuries. Of course, I looked totally different, then, as well. This is the first time I've actually had the courage to reveal my new self to you. It has been a long, lonely time without you, Ducan."

Duncan: "Amazing -- I knew I had missed an opportunity there, that day, but not how MUCH of one. I want to hear more of these "many other times", darling -- but for now, I think we may have a few more important things to rediscover about each other."

Fade to black over Duncan reaching for Yahzmin, smiling impishly.
Reply:I have to agree with your choice! I read that and had to give her a standing ovation! Well done! I was impressed! Report It

Reply:Well be creative put your own touch into it i would help you but i will probably steal it and make it mine because i write music. Never mind if you email or get on messenger i will help you.

Reply:It was Saturday night, and I decided to hit the honky tonk for a little close dancin'. I had asked Emmy Lou, but I was a bit skeered, 'cause I don't dance too well, and I feel funny about it 'til I get a swig er two of Randy Scouse Git Rotgut in me fer courage. The dance hall was outside of town. It was a quonset hut with a gravel parking lot that doubles as a VFW Hall on Tuesday nights. Wellsir, I got those two swallers of the rotgut down and Emmy Lou and I were commencin' to dance, when in walked Moose McGee. He was a mountain of a man with a "Born to Kill" tattoo on his left arm. He was the meanest man in the county. I think he even spent time in the "slammer" fer burnin' down Charley Yates cabin, 'cause Charley had accidently shot his 'coon dog in an unfortunate drunk huntin' accident. Anyways, Moose had had eyes for Emmy Lou ever since he dropped out of school in the third grade. He started partin' people on the dance floor and makin' his way over to where we wuz dancin', and I cud tell he wasn't comin' over to shake my hand. I hurried Emmy Lou out the side door by the refreshment stand, and we jumped into my Jeep Wagoneer and skeedaddled outta there. Moose jumped outta winder and was soon tailin' us down dirt roads in the moonlight. I cud tell if he caught us, he'd hurt me bad and he'd probly do no good with Mary Lou. Wellsir, he was gittin' a little too close, so I pulled off the road and kicked the Wagoneer into 4 wheel. It was then that I realized I had pulled into Jim Becker's cow pasture, and the only thing at the other end was his fish pond, but that crossed my mind a little too late! I reached under the dash and pulled the fuse that powers the brake lights, so they wouldn't come on. Then, when I got down to the bottom of the hill, just before the pond, I hit the brakes and pulled the steering wheel to the right as hard as I cud. We skittered along the edge of the pond, and finally climbed back up the hill away from the pond. Moose didn't see brake lights, so he just barrelled into the pond, sinking his old Hudson up to the window sills in muddy water. Emmy Lou wasn't in the mood to go back to the dance after all the excitement, so we grabbed a fast root beer at the A%26amp;W stand, and I drove her on home. Don't think Emmy Lou'll be in the mood to go dancin' again soon.
Reply:The sun had set and the moon was rising when I hit the honky tonk for a little close dancin'.

She was a honky tonk woman, Esmeralda was her name, Esmerelda of the emerald eyes, Esmerelda of the flashing smile and teasing manner. I sidled up to her.

"Eh, man, she belongs to bad man Jose," whispered one of the band members. It was too late. I was captivated by her style. I was a dancing, dancing, dancing machine.

For a moment, I thought maybe I should be out of there, but that crossed my mind a little too late. "Vamoose, Jose's on his way," said the band member.

Then there he was. He was a mountain of a man with a "born to kill" tatoo. I think he even did a little time in the "slammer." I tell you, I fought with tougher men, but I really can't remember when.

But no fighting this time. I grabbed Esmerelda's little arm, and jumped through the window, pulling her along. We jumped into my jeep, and I pulled off the road and kicked it into 4-wheel. Across the desert we rode, rode like the wind.

Oh what a night! Morning was breaking when I finally got her home at half past too late.

I was already late, late, late, for a very important date, when I got to the Bonaventure Hotel... and then I got stuck in an elevator with Hayden Panettiere! But I think you've already heard that story.
Reply:I was still cussing at myself for taking an 'off the beaten path' route while I was fighting with a particularly stubborn lug nut when I saw the toe of his dusty boot come into my line of sight. I followed his black jeaned leg up to his tee-shirt covered chest. He was a mountain of a man with a "Born to Kill" tatoo. I tried not to flinch at the reflection of the stunned expression on my face that I saw mirrored in his shades. I dropped my gaze to some tell-tale markings on his hands - I think he even did a little time in the slammer from the types of markings that I saw there.

Our attention turned to the rumbling sound of a truck coming toward us - which is when the question entered my mind of how this man got there without me hearing his approach. There was no time to think about that because it was apparent that the driver of the truck knew this tatooed man as he pulled off the road, kicked it into 4 wheel and looked out at us with a smile.

"Need help?"

I glanced down at the stubborn lug nut still doggedly stuck to the post. I slipped out of the way as one of the biggest arms I'd ever seen came across my face, reaching for my lug wrench. The driver of the truck and the tatooed samaritan were conversing as though I wasn't there.

"I finally got her home at half past too late."

"Where did you take her? Did you hit the honky tonk for a little close dancin'?"

They finished the tire-change and stood as I dusted myself off and climbed back into my car. Without so much as a nod, they sauntered off and I breathed a sigh of relief mixed with gratitude. I sat there recomposing myself as they disappeared over the hill more than a half a mile away.

I looked around to bring my thoughts back to where I had been before they showed up and then realized that I was still lost. I could have asked for directions back to the main road.

But that crossed my mind a little too late!

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