Monday, May 11, 2009

What are some Spanish song lyrics that talk about immigration?

I have some from Los Tigres Del Norte, but I need additional ones? What are some other ones that deal with Latin Americans migrating into the US?

What are some Spanish song lyrics that talk about immigration?
molotov and the song title is frijolero(beaner)

Yo ya estoy hasta la madre

de que me pongan sombrero

escucha entonces cuando digo

no me llames frijolero!!!

Y aunque exista algn respeto

no metamos las narices

por que inflamos la moneda

haciendo guerra a otros pases

Te pagamos con petrleo

e intereses nuestra deuda

mientras tanto no sabemos

quien se queda con la feria!!!

Aunque nos hagan la fama

de que somos vendedores

de la droga que sembramos

ustedes son consumidores!!!

Don't call me gringo,

You ****** beaner

stay on your side

of that goddamn river

don't call me gringo,

You beaner!!!

No me digas beaner,

Mr. Puetero

Te sacar un susto

por racista y culero.

No me llames frijolero,

Pinche gringo puetero.


Now I wish I had a dime

for every single time

I've gotten stared down

For being in the wrong side of town.

And a rich man I'd be

if I had that kind of chips

lately I wanna smack the mouths

of these racists

Podrs imaginarte desde afuera,

ser un Mexicano cruzando la frontera,

pensando en tu familia mientras que pasas,

dejando todo lo tu que conoces atrs.

Si tuvieras tu que esquivar las balas

de unos cuantos gringos rancheros

Les seguirs diciendo good for nothing *******?

si tuvieras tu que empezar de cero.

Now why don't you look down

to where your feet is planted

That U.S. soil that makes you take **** for granted

If not for Santa Ana, just to let you know

That where your feet are planted would be Mexico


Don't call me gringo,

You ****** beaner

stay on your side

of that goddamn river -
Reply:La cucuracha la cucuracha nodo puedo caminar..... I don't know does it really matter. There are illegal immigrants in Mexico and the Mexicans treat them like human refuse.

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