Thursday, April 30, 2009

▐▐ Can you write a little story that includes 6 of these song lyrics?

1. Heroes and heroines are scarcer than they've ever been.

2. You faced the danger .

3.The ones who laugh and the ones who weep

4. The dust and the dirt under outlaw skies

5. The world was wide and a cowboy's song could span the whole horizon.

6. Rain and snow and sun and wind

7. This may be an interesting night AFTER all.

8. Embarking on your odyssey

9. Heaven bless the one who ________

10. A piece of land and a stubborn mind were the only things worth having.

▐▐ Can you write a little story that includes 6 of these song lyrics?

Heroes and heroines are scarcer than they've ever been. The hero and heroine of this little story lived in the Old West, Dodge City, Kansas, Circa 1873.

Everyone knew Marshall Matt Dillon was sweet on the local school marm, Sunshine MacGillicutty. He was a little rough around the edges, and she was a fine lady from the East. Still, Marshall Matt couldn’t understand why Sunshine insisted he park his guns at the door whenever he came to call. She’d say, “You can just forget about your guns if you want to be my fella.“ Marshall Matt would always protest, “If you faced the danger I do everyday in my job, you‘d damned well be wearing guns! I’m the Marshall, damn it! I’m the law in these here parts, and I need guns to stay alive. The stagecoach drivers, the Pony Express riders, and I all have to be armed to do our jobs--in the rain and snow and sun and wind.”

Sunshine frowned, “There’s another thing I’ve been meaning to talk to you about, Matt! You need to take a bath oftener than once a year. I don’t know who smells worse, you or Old Paint. That nag and the dust and the dirt under outlaw skies have made you more than a tad gamey. Next time you come to call on me, I expect you to at least first take a swim in the river.”

Matt said, “You sure are stubborn, Miss MacGillicutty. I’ve thought for a long time that a piece of land and a stubborn mind were the only things worth having. I’ve already got the land; I just need a wife. Would you do me the honor of becoming the future Mrs. Marshall Matt Dillon?”

Sunshine smiled as she replied, “Best offer I’ve had all day. I accept, but I'm telling you right now, I don’t believe in long engagements.”

Matt continued, “I’ve got to escort a cattle rustler up North to Kansas City next week to stand trial. How ‘bout we get married when I come back? I could pick up a ring for you in Kansas City.”

Sunshine replied, “OK, I’ll give you a kiss before you go embarking on your odyssey, but I’m telling you right now, there will be no wedding night for you if you forget that ring! And, I also expect you to be clean shaven and bathed!”

“Adios, Muchacha,” exclaimed Matt as he jumped on Old Paint and headed off across the plain. Matt was so happy, he burst out in song, “I'm back in the saddle again. Out where a friend is a friend……..” The world was wide and a cowboy's song could span the whole horizon.
Reply:Those were some good lines to work with. Back in the days when men were men and women were women! Thanks for pts. Kitty Report It

Reply:As I was riding off through the dust and dirt under the outlaw skies,I was thinking.You faced the danger and it is all over,the world was wide and a cowboys song could span the whole horizon.Heroes and heroines are scarcer than theyve ever been,but I proved I could be one.I realized that a piece of land and a stubborn mind were the only things worth having.Then in the distance I spotted a wagon train.Hmmm, this may be an interesting night after all.Heaven bless the one who invented a coffee pot and a friendly smile.

the end.
Reply:NO. not yet! ---%26gt; you doofus. you blocked it so nobody can respond to you! I can't email you back now! I'm trying to let you know that im in the process of typing out my answer for the story I posted intent on!

And i can't write you back, because youre not allowing email now! You goob! lol unblock me! LOL

you blocked everyone!

the only way i could write you was to post it on this Q!
Reply:You faced the danger, when you're the ones who laugh and the other ones weep.... now whose turn is it to sleep?

With the dust and the dirt under out-law skies

It is hard to keep the rain and snow and sun and wind from your eyes.

Embarking on your odyssey...this may be an interesting night after all....heaven bless the ones who stand tall and right.

A piece of land and a stubborn mind where the only things worth having, for while the heroes and heroines are scarcer than they've ever been, it is we who pay for what the rest should have been.

For when the world was wide and a cowboy's song could span the whole horizon, you faced the danger.
Reply:I was walking down the street and all of a sudden it was the end of the rain and snow, and the sun and wind began. i thought to myself, this might be an interesting night AFTER all.

I witnessed a brawl the ones who luagh and the ones who weep. The world was wide and a cowboy's song could span the whole horizon, but his fight, could end the world as we know it.

i said to him, "as you are embarking on your odyssey, heroes and heroines are scarcer than they've ever been. you faced the danger alone before, but you are now much older."
Reply:This may be an interesting night AFTER all!!!

You deleted us!!! Have we been THAT bad...LOL!!

I'll send smoke signals..QUICK!! Look out your window!!

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