Tuesday, November 17, 2009

☼ wants to know if you can write a little story that includes these song lyrics?

1. I'm your buckaroo, I wanna be like you

2. I bowed my head and I prayed real hard.

3. I'll be as strong as superman.

4. Please help me, help my stupid self.

5. He spoke to God like he was talking to a friend.

☼ wants to know if you can write a little story that includes these song lyrics?
Trent stood outside the hospital room trying to get up the nerve to go in.

His girlfriend Gail squeezed his hand. "Do you want me to go in with you?"

He shook his head. "No, I can do this." He hesitantly let go of her hand and entered the room.

His parents who were seated next to the hospital bed stood up in shock when they saw him. They had left a message about Adam's health on his cellphone, but they hadn't expected to see him.

Trent had left without a word two years back and they hadn't seen or heard from him since. He smiled warily at them as they walked by him and left the room. They hadn't forgiven him yet. He then turned to the bed where his younger brother lay.

Adam was only 8 years old, but he was dying of cancer.

Trent clasped Adam's tiny hand trying to hold back the tears.

"Why God? Haven't you given him enough problems!?"

Adam had been born with Down Syndrome and physical deformities that had challanged him greatly in his short lifespan.

Adam slowly opened his eyes after hearing his brother's voice. "Trent..HI!!" his voice was gravelly but fill of excitement.

"(I'm your buckaroo, I wanna be like you)! smiled Adam.

Trent laughed at this line. It was a line from a cartoon that Adam loved watching a few years back when Trent was still living at home.

Adam suddenly had a coughing fit and Trent grasped his hand tighter.

"Are you OKAY??"

Adam nodded and motioned to the water on the nightstand. After a few sips, he smiled again.

"Don't worry Trent, (I'll be as strong as Supeman)! (I bowed my head and I prayed real hard) to God, and He said He'd help me!"

Trent winced. God? Where was God when the car he was driving lost control and hit the median killing his 12 year old brother in the passanger seat? Where was God when his parents turned their back on him only giving him their silence and shards of blame.

Trent looked back at Adam whose eyes were closed but whose mouth with moving.


"I know God..I know..he didn't mean it to happen. He's my big brother..You'll send an Angel to watch over him, right? Thanks God!"

Trent shivered in quiet awe. His brother..(he spoke to God like he was talking to a friend). Where had that faith come from?

Adam was quietly smiling at Trent. "It's okay. I gotta go now.

Love you Trent." Adam slowly closed his eyes, his head turning away from Trent, a knowing smile on his face.

Trent could only stare at his brother. "Adam?...Adam!?"

Doctor, nurses with a crash cart and his parents suddenly poured into the room, and he was pushed out the door.

As the door closed behind him, his girlfriend appeared at his side. "What? What happened?" She asked.

He could only stare at the closed door. Then suddenly, he heard his mother scream and like a force it turned him away from door and he quickly walked away from the hospital room and down the corridor, his girlfriend in tow.

As they passed the hospital chapel, Trent suddenly came to a halt. He spun towards his girlfriend. "Gail, give me minute."

She nodded and squeezed his hand.

"I'll be right here." she smiled.

Trent turned and entered the chapel, sitting in the back pew.

He stared up at the altar and the symbols of a faith he had walked away from years ago.

Suddenly all the sadness and yearning and anger that he held in all those years burst to the surface. Hot tears poured from him and he sobbed.

"Oh God!! God (please help me, help my stupid self)! I'm sorry..I'm sorry for everything! Oh God! Adam! Adam!!!"

He felt an arm around his shoulder and glanced up.

Gail sat next to him. With tears in her eyes she smiled at him.

"God is listening Trent. He's always been listening. He was just waiting to hear your heart."

And in the solitude of the chapel, Trent's sorrow ladened heart slowly began to crack and the light started to find it's way in.
Reply:She telephoned her editor one morning %26amp; said, "Listen, I've got writer's block. So, I'm just doing research today."

The editor was rather peeved and answered back, " I'll be as strong as Superman %26amp; fly over there to see that I get those 175 pages you promised."

"I'd like to see that. I couldn't do it even if I bowed my head and prayed real hard. I just don't have it. You'd stand a better chance of doing your Superman act."

"What have you got so far?"

"Well. Ruby %26amp; Jack are standing in the doorway, fixing to kiss. And Some dude steps off the train %26amp; says something like Please help me, help my stupid self. or something along those lines. I've rewritten it 6 times %26amp; I'm still not happy with it. I told you I'm having a block."

"I dont care if you're having a cow, it's not like I'm your buckaroo, I wanna be like you. i just want those pages. Go ahead %26amp; do a rewrite. I'll call you back tonight."

She hung up the phone and typed.

He spoke to God like he was talking to a friend. "Hello God? Is that you"

A voice echoed through the train station said, "NO, this is Bill Cosby..."

"Right... said Noah. Definately have to do a rewrite..."
Reply:Lame attempt at a 1-2 paragraph story #5.

Rupert and Stella had been experiencing some difficulties in recent days. So had I. Rupert spoke up and said, "Best way to handle the storm, is to get on your knees and pray on the boat." I hadn't a clue what he meant, other than his statement indicated we should probably pray. It did. "Let us pray," Stella said. They bowed their heads in prayer, and thusly (line) I BOWED MY HEAD AND I PRAYED REAL HARD.

Rupert began to pray the strangest prayer I've ever heard. (line) HE SPOKE TO GOD LIKE HE WAS TALKING TO A FRIEND. Ruperts prayer went as follows:

"Dearest Lord, You is God and ya always been. (line) I'M YOUR BUCKAROO, I WANNA BE LIKE YOU. If ya help me Lord (line) I'LL BE AS STRONG AS SUPERMAN. And I do need help. I'm a struggling with a lot a things. So please Lord, (line) PLEASE HELP ME, HELP MY STUPID SELF. And Help these kind folks too. Amen.

Amen we all agreed together. I was certain God would hear him, and answer him solely on the basis of it being the weirdest, but most honest prayer ever. The End.
Reply:My Son

I was raising my son, Jamie, on my own which wasn’t always easy. Oh I loved him dearly, and he was a pleasant little five year old, but it was hard explaining to him that I couldn’t do and get the things he wanted. I was in between jobs and it was pretty rough at the moment.

We were at the park this particular Saturday afternoon and I was trying to watch Jamie enjoying himself on the slides, swings, and the monkey bars, which he was hanging from when he called out, “Look Dad, I’’LL BE AS STRONG AS SUPERMAN when I get bigger.” I looked at him, smiled, and waved back. Fortunately it didn’t take much to make him happy and coming to the park was one of his favorite spots. We usually play ball but I just wasn’t up to it that day.

Later that night after getting him ready for bed Jamie watched TV for awhile as I checked over my accounts and bills, etc. I didn’t see him watching me, nor did I hear him come over and stand by me as I was writing but as I looked up there he was. “Dad,” he said, “I’M YOUR BUCKAROO right and I WANNA BE LIKE YOU when I grow up,” and before I could answer he gave me a big hug.

His words touched me so much I didn’t know how to answer so I hugged him back, told him I loved him, and then sent him off to bed saying I’d be up in a minute. When I got upstairs I stood outside his door listening to him talking and just for a second I thought someone was with him but knew that was impossible. He was saying his prayers and HE SPOKE TO GOD LIKE HE WAS TALKING TO A FRIEND. I listened to him finish with, “and please God help my Daddy be happy again. I don’t need much, just him and me together. Amen.”

I was so choked up I couldn’t go in to say good-night. Instead I went to my own room and I BOWED MY HEAD AND I PRAYED REAL HARD saying, “PLEASE HELP ME. HELP MY STUPID SELF from being down and depressed when I have a beautiful little boy that is proud of me and loves me so much. I know things will work out if I have patience and with your help. Amen.”

By this time my sweet Jamie was fast asleep so I kissed him softly good-night and vowed I’d treasure every moment I had with him from now on. If my little buckaroo wanted to be like me then he needed something to “really” look up to and that’s exactly what I’m going to do from now on.
Reply:I'll come up with something too, but it will be tomorrow.

Thanks for another good writing exercise!

safety boots

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