Thursday, April 30, 2009

Is it illegal to use portions of familiar song lyrics on retail merchandise without permission?

I would like to design t-shirts for profit with bits of famous song lyrics and famous quotes. Do I need permission from each individual artist or author before doing so?

Is it illegal to use portions of familiar song lyrics on retail merchandise without permission?
Usually the copyright/infringement starts with the 3rd word you copy, however slogan like "got Milk" etc obviously don't have 3 words but are still not allowed to be used without permission.

If you are selling merchandise with out permission, you can be sued, pay heavy fines, and potentially go to jail depending on how it is used.

Always best to get permission and pay the person who wrote the words.
Reply:If it's a copyrighted song, you'll need permission.
Reply:Music is copyrighted. You can't use someone else's lyrics and make money off of them without their permission.

safety boots

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